How Does a Payday Loan Work?
Payday loans can be an expensive way for you to borrow money, but with the right choice of payday loan provider you could soon find that you have made a choice that sits well with your own personal circumstances. For many people there is a need for a short-term financial fix to help out during a crisis of cashflow. This could be an emergency repair that requires immediate attention, but at a time when your next pay won’t be in your bank account for another week or so. In this case, and many others, a short-term fix in the form of a payday loan could be much more attractive a proposition than borrowing money from friends or family members, entering the overdraft of your bank, or applying for a credit card.
What you have to remember about a payday loan is that should you choose a reputable and responsible payday loan provider, you will have flexibility on how and when you repay the loan, and you’ll also have full transparency and a clear idea of how much you have to pay back and when, including all fees and interest.
There had been a problem in the past with the reputation of payday loan lenders, with hidden charges and extortionate amounts of interest added to even a basic, tiny loan amount. You could easily find examples of people who had applied for a small loan amount and still be paying off the interest months, or even years later.
This is not longer the case, due to tighter regulation and a number of responsible lenders entering the arena. The original idea of a payday loan is still a simple one. A payday loan is a short-term loan that is paid directly into your bank account, designed to help people with short-term cashflow problems to overcome them until next payday. At that time, the loan (and all interest and fees) is paid back to the loan lender.
These days however, it is possible to borrow larger amounts of money, for longer periods of time. The usual length of time is 3-months, with instalment repayments agreed prior to the loan being awarded. They are high cost and short-term, so it is always vital that you take a good look at your situation before agreeing to any payday loan.
Always look at your exact incomings and outgoings each month and see how much you can actually afford to spend on repayments each month. Never exceed this amount when taking out a loan, even if only for a short period of time, as it will likely only cause you even further financial hardship. If you are unable to pay back a payday loan the interest will increase and you could damage your credit score significantly. Read the small print before agreeing to any sort of loan, but be aware that there are plenty of responsible payday loan lenders out there who are always willing to help those in a bad situation, even with adverse credit, and be willing to show flexibility at times where circumstances change and a renegotiation of repayment terms is required.